Journal Publications
- Gubbi, R. Cole, B. Emerson, D. Noble, R. Steel, W. Sun, T. Lieuwen, “Air quality implications of using ammonia as a renewable fuel – How low can NOx emissions go?” ACS Energy Letters, (accepted)
- Peng, D. Ranjan, W. Sun, “A shock tube study of fuel concentration effect on high-pressure autoignition delay of ammonia” 2023 Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 16, 100202 (invited paper)
- E. Holmes, R.D. Schreck, P. Narayanan, S. Ghosh, W. Sun, M. Realff, R. Lively, “Evaluating degradation of CO2 adsorbents in flue gas from bioenergy with carbon capture and storage” 2023 Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 7, 4602-4607
- Breer, H. Rajagopalan, C. Godbold, H. Johnson II, B. Emerson, V. Acharya, W. Sun, D. Noble, T. Lieuwen, “Numerical Investigation of NOx Production from Premixed Hydrogen/Methane Blends” 2023 Combustion and Flame, 255, 112920
- J. Choe, W. Sun, “Experimental investigation of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted ammonia flames using NH2* chemiluminescence and OH planar laser-induced fluorescence.” 2022 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
- Gwendolyn T. Wang, Yuzhe Peng, Daniel R. Guildenbecher, Kyle P. Lynch, Wenting Sun, and Yi C. Mazumdar, “Hybrid interferometric diagnostic for the refractive index measurement across nearly discrete shock waves.” 2022 Optics Letters, 47(16), 4159-4162.
- Kruyer, M. Realff, W. Sun, C. Genzale, P. Peralta-Yahya, “Designing the production of a Martian rocket propellant using in situ resource utilization.” 2021 Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-14. (IF=14.92)
- J. Choe, W. Sun, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, “Plasma assisted ammonia combustion: Simultaneous NOx reduction and flame enhancement.” 2021 Combustion and Flame, 228, 430-432.
- B. Wu, H. Mitchell, W. Sun, T. Ombrello, and C. Carter. “Dynamics of laminar ethylene lifted flame with ozone addition.” 2020 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, 6773-6780.
- M. Karimi, B. Ochs, W. Sun, D. Ranjan, “High pressure ignition delay times of H2/CO mixture in carbon dioxide and argon diluent” 2020 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, 251-260.
- Y. Wang, A. Movaghar, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, W. Sun, F. Egolfopoulos, Z. Chen, “Laminar flame speeds of methane/air mixtures at engine conditions: Performance of different kinetic models and power-law correlations” 2020 Combustion and Flame, 218, 101-108
- S. Yang, X. Wang, W. Sun, V. Yang, “Comparison of Finite Rate Chemistry and Flamelet/Progress-Variable Models: Sandia Flames and the Effect of Differential Diffusion” 2020 Combustion Science and Technology, 192(7), 1137-1159
- S. Yang, X. Wang, H. Huo, W. Sun, V. Yang, “An efficient finite-rate chemistry model for a precondition compressible flow solver and its comparison with the flamelet/progress-variable model” 2019 Combustion and Flame, 210, 172-182
- D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day, A.J. Aspden, T. Lieuwen, “Analysis of chemical pathways and flame structure for n-dodecane/air turbulent premixed flames” 2019 Combustion and Flame, 207, 36-50
- M. Karimi, B. Ochs, Z. Liu, D. Ranjan, W. Sun, “Measurement of methane autoignition delays in carbon dioxide and argon diluents at high pressure conditions” 2019 Combustion and Flame, 204, 304-319
- W. Sun, X. Gao, B. Wu, T. Ombrello, “Ozone assisted combustion: Dynamics and chemistry” 2019 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 73, 1-25
- X. Gao, B. Wun, W. Sun, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, “Ozonolysis activated autoignition in non-premixed coflow”, 2019 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52(10), 105201
- X. Gao, X. Gou, , W. Sun, “Global Pathway Analysis: a hierarchical framework to understand complex chemical kinetics”, 2019 Combustion Theory and Modelling, 23:3, 549-571.
- H. Li, K. Ostrikov, W. Sun, “The energy tree: Non-equilibrium energy transfer in collision-dominated plasmas”, 2018 Physics Reports, 770-772, 1-45
- J. Choe, W. Sun, “blowoff hysteresis, flame morphology and the effect of plasma in a swirling flow”, 2018 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51(36), 365201
- S. Yang, S. Nagaraja, W. Sun, V. Yang, “Multiscale modeling and general theory of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted ignition and combustion”, 2017 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50 433001
- X. Gou, W. Sun, Z. Chen, “Numerical methods for complicated chemical mechanism involved in combustion simulation”, 2017 SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 47, 070006
- S. Yang, R. Ranjan, V. Yang, W. Sun, S. Menon, “Sensitivity of predictions to chemical kinetics models in a temporally evolving turbulent non-premixed flame”, 2017 Combustion and Flame, 183, 224-241
- D. Dasgupta, W. Sun, M. Day, T. Lieuwen, “Effect of turbulence-chemistry interactions on chemical pathways for turbulent hydrogen-air premixed flames”, 2016 Combustion and Flame, 176, 191-201
- H. Li, D. Yu, W. Sun, D. Liu, J. Li, X. Han, Z. Li, B. Sun, Y. Wu, “State-of-the-art atmospheric discharge plasmas”, 2016 High Voltage Engineering, 42(12), 3697-3728 (invited paper)
- S. Yang, R.Ranjan, V. Yang, S. Menon, W. Sun, “Parallel on-the-fly adaptive kinetics in direct numerical simulation of turbulent premixed flame”, 2017 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2), 2025-2032
- A. Rousso, S. Yang, J. Lefkowitz, W. Sun, Y. Ju, “Low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of n-heptane in nanosecond-pulsed plasma discharges”, 2017 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(2), 4105-4112
- S. Yang, J. Lefkowitz, X. Gao, S. Nagaraja, Y. Ju, V. Yang, W. Sun, “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Nanosecond Pulsed Plasma Activated C2H4/O2/Ar Mixtures in a Flow Reactor”, 2016 Journal of Propulsion and Power, 32(5), 1240-1252
- Y. Ju, J. Lefkowitz, C.B. Reuter, S.H. Won, X. Yang, S. Yang, W. Sun, Z. Jiang, Q. Chen, “Plasma assisted low temperature combustion”, 2015 Plasma Chem. Plasma Process, 1-21
- X. Gao, S. Yang, W. Sun, “A global pathway selection method for the reduction of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms”, Combustion and Flame, 2015 (submitted)
- X. Gao, Y. Zhang, S. Adusumilli, J. Seitzman, W. Sun, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, “The effect of ozone addition on laminar flame speed”,2015 Combustion and Flame, 162(10), 3914-3924
- Y. Ju, W. Sun, “Plasma assisted combustion: Dynamics and chemistry” 2015 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 48, 21-83
- Y. Ju, W. Sun, “Plasma assisted combustion: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunity” 2015 Combustion and Flame 162(3), 529-532, (opinion article)
- S. Nagaraja, W. Sun, V. Yang, “Effect of non-equilibrium plasma on two-stage ignition of n-heptane” 2014 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35(3), 3497-3504
- B. Brumfield, W. Sun, Y. Wang, Y. Ju, G. Wysocki “Dual modulation Faraday rotation spectroscopy of HO2 in a flow reactor” 2014 Optics Letters, 39(7), 1783-1786
- W. Sun, S.H. Won, Y. Ju, “In Situ plasma activated low temperature chemistry and the S-curve transition in DME/oxygen/helium mixture” 2014 Combustion and Flame 161(8), 2054-2063
- B. Brumfield, W. Sun, Y. Ju, G. Wysocki “Detection of HO2 by Faraday rotation spectroscopy” 2013 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4(6), 872-876
- W. Sun, S. H. Won, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, Y. Ju, “Direct ignition and the S-curve transition by in situ nano-second pulsed discharge in methane/oxygen/helium counterflow flame” 2013 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 847-855
- H. Guo, W. Sun, F. M. Haas, T. Farouk, F. Dryer, Y. Ju, “Measurements of H2O2 in low temperature dimethyl ether oxidation” 2013 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34, 573-581
- X. Gou, Z. Chen, W. Sun, Y. Ju, “A dynamic adaptive chemistry scheme with error control for combustion modeling with a large detailed mechanism” 2013 Combustion and Flame, 160(2) 225-231
- W. Sun, Y. Ju, “Non-equilibrium plasma-assisted combustion: A review of recent progress” 2013 Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research, 89(4), 209-219
- W. Sun, M. Uddi, S. H. Won, T. Ombrello, C. Carter, Y. Ju, “Kinetic effects of non-equilibrium plasma-assisted methane oxidization on diffusion flame extinction limits” 2012 Combustion and Flame, 159(1) 221-229
- W. Sun, M. Uddi, T. Ombrello, S. H. Won, C. Carter, Y. Ju, “Effects of non-equilibrium plasma discharge on counterflow diffusion flame extinction” 2011 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33, 3211-3218 (Distinguished paper award, the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, Beijing, 2011)
- Y. Ju, W. Sun, M. Burke, X. Gou, Z. Chen, “Multi-timescale modeling of ignition and flame regimes of n-heptane-air mixtures near spark assisted homogeneous charge compression ignition conditions” 2011 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33, 1245-1251
- W. Sun, Z. Chen, X. Gou, Y. Ju, “A path flux analysis method for the reduction of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms” 2010 Combustion and Flame, 157(7) 1298-1307 (most cited Combustion and Flame articles published since 2008)
- X. Gou, W. Sun, Z. Chen, Y. Ju, “A dynamic multi-timescale method for combustion modeling with detailed and reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms” 2010 Combustion and Flame, 157(6), 1111-1121
- S. H. Won, W. Sun, Y. Ju, “Kinetic effects of toluene blending on the extinction limit of n-decane diffusion flames” 2010 Combustion and Flame, 157(3), 411-420
- Y. Ju, X. Gou, W. Sun, Z. Chen, “An on-grid dynamic multi-timescale method with path flux analysis for multi-physics detailed modeling of combustion” 2009 Journal of Combustion Research, Japanese Combustion Society, 51(157), 200-208
- G. Li, H. P. Li, W. Sun, S. Wang, Z. Tian, C. Y. Bao, “Discharge features of radio-frequency, atmospheric-pressure cold plasmas under an intensified local electric field” 2009 Journal of Physics D, 41 (20) 221504
- L. Wang, Z. L. Huang, G. Li, H. X. Zhao, X. H. Xing, W. Sun, H. P. Li, Z. X. Gou, C. Y. Bao, “Novel mutation breeding method for Streptomyces avermitilis using an atmospheric-pressure glow discharge plasma” 2009 Journal of Applied Microbiology108(3) 851-858
- G. Li, H. P. Li, L. Y. Wang, S. Wang, H. X. Zhao, W. Sun, X. H. Xing, C. Y. Bao, “Genetic effects of radio-frequency, atmospheric-pressure glow discharges with helium” 2008 Applied Physics Letters 92 202001
- W. Sun, G. Li, H. B. Wang, H. P. Li, C. Y. Bao, S. Zeng, “Characteristics of atmospheric-pressure, radio-frequency glow discharges operated with argon added ethanol” 2007 Journal of Applied Physics 101(12) 123302
- W. Sun, T. R. Liang, H. B. Wang, H. P. Li, C. Y. Bao, “The back diffusion effect of air on the discharge characteristics of atmospheric-pressure radio-frequency glow discharges using bare metal electrodes” 2007 Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 290-296
- H. P. Li, W. Sun, H. B. Wang, C. Y. Bao, “Electrical features of radio-frequency, atmospheric-pressure, bare-metallic-electrode glow discharges” 2007 Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 27(5) 529-545
- H. B. Wang, W. Sun, H. P. Li, C. Y. Bao, X. Gao, H. Y. Luo, “Studies on the characteristics of atmospheric-pressure radio-frequency glow discharges with argon/nitrogen” 2006 Applied Physics Letters 89 (16) 161504
- H. B. Wang, W. Sun, H. P. Li, C. Y. Bao, X. Z. Zhang, “Characteristics of radio-frequency atmospheric-pressure glow discharges with air using bare metal electrodes” 2006 Applied Physics Letters 89 (16) 161502